We Need Your Help!

We are currently looking to add Kentucky funeral homes to the KHI website. Historically, funeral homes have not only played a crucial part in the grieving process of many families, but they have also helped influence death practices, mourning rituals, and even medical history. In many areas of the US, funeral homes also provided life-saving emergency transportation (ambulances) to families in need–they also helped shape our modern EMS system today. In addition to recording the rich histories of Kentucky funeral homes we are also seeking to establish a free virtual database that can direct people to where funeral information (e.g., obituaries, cemetery information, funeral information, etc.) can be publicly accessed. It has been commonplace for funeral homes to donate the aforementioned information to public libraries, historical societies, and/or archives. These sources are sometimes underutilized but provide a wealth of genealogical information.

What we are looking for:

  • Historical information related to Kentucky funeral homes such as, name(s), owners, services that were offered, etc.
  • Historical photographs of funeral homes, inside and/or outside, funeral vehicles, coaches/hearses, ambulances, etc. Though we are seeking photographs primarily up to the 1970s, we can include current/modern photos as well.
  • Any known historical information that has been donated (e.g., obituary information, funeral information/intake, cemetery information, etc.) and where that information was donated (e.g., public library). We can contact the public library or other location directly to confirm that they still have those records and if they are available for the public to peruse.

If you are a funeral home owner or manager or know one that might be interested, please consider contacting us. You can contact us directly on our website here or you can email us directly at contact@kyhi.org.

We appreciate your time and consideration!

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